Fee Schedule


Durations refer to the scheduled time, and are not subject to change based on patients’ lateness or early departure from the appointment.

The regular rate will be charged unless the access rate is requested verbally at the end of the appointment, before payment is processed. The rate cannot be changed after payment has been processed.

  • Your first appointment with Dr. Arlie Millyard, ND

    Access rate: $150

  • Patients with complex health histories and chronic conditions may require extra time during the Insight phase. In this case, the second appointment is booked as an Insight 2 appointment.

    Access rate: $125

  • Subsequent appointment with Dr. Arlie Millyard, ND, with a duration of up to 60 minutes.

    Access rate: $100

  • Subsequent appointment with Dr. Arlie Millyard, ND, with a duration of up to 30 minutes.

    Access rate: $60

  • Subsequent appointment with Dr. Arlie Millyard, ND, with a duration of up to 15 minutes.

    Access rate: $30

Lab testing

  • Charged at the cost set by Life Labs.

  • Applies to every requisition, as set by Life Labs.

  • Applies to every requisition for standard labs with a total fee of <$200.

  • Applies to every requisition for complex labs with a total fee of >$200.

Laboratory fees are included on the invoice of the appointment where the labs were discussed, unless otherwise agreed upon. The invoice must be paid before the requisition is shared with you.

Custom herbal products

Herbal formulae are included on the invoice of the appointment where the herbs were recommended, unless otherwise agreed upon. The invoice must be paid before the herbs are ordered, and late payment will also delay receipt of the product.

Costs of herbal formulae vary, and will be discussed and agreed upon during the appointment.

Fees charged for custom herbal formulae include cost of herbs, custom formulation, and shipping.

All fees are subject to change. Changes to appointment fees and addition of any other fees will be communicated by email. It is the patient’s responsibility to ensure that email communications are received and read.

Insurance Direct Billing

We offer direct billing to select insurers. In order to use this service, clients must submit an authorization form at least 15 minutes before the first appointment. Some insurance plans do not accept online direct billing submissions, even when the insurer is on the list of supported companies. Clients are responsible for all unpaid amounts after insurance claim processing, and will be asked to provide a credit card for amounts not covered by insurance.

We offer direct billing to the following insurers:

  • AGA Financial Group inc.

  • Beneva

  • BPA

  • Canada Life

  • Canada Life - PSHCP

  • Canadian Construction Workers Union

  • Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan


  • ClaimSecure

  • Cowan Insurance Group (managed by Express Scripts Canada)

  • D.A. Townley

  • Desjardins Insurance

  • Equitable

  • First Canadian

  • GMS Carriers 49 and 50 (Express Scripts Canada)

  • Green Shield

  • GroupHEALTH

  • GroupSource

  • Industrial Alliance

  • Johnson Inc.

  • Johnston Group

  • LiUna Local 183

  • LiUna Local 506

  • Manion

  • Manulife Financial

  • Maximum Benefit

  • MDM Insurance Services

  • People Corporation

  • RWAM

  • Simply Benefits

  • Sun Life

  • TELUS AdjudiCare

  • Union Benefits

  • UV Insurance

List is subject to change based on Insurers’ participation.

Explanation of Benefits reports for each claim are available upon request.